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Dominus Silentia: Part 1 Awakening Page 3
Dominus Silentia: Part 1 Awakening Read online
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“I uhh, just wasn’t expecting anyone this early,” I offered as I searched for my closest pair of shorts. “Come in, make yourself at home. I just uhh need to find some clothes.”
“Well, don’t go to all of that trouble for me. Just pretend I’m not even here,” she replied as she entered. I shut the door and dashed over to my dresser grabbing a pair of pajama pants and hastily put them on. Syndel, in the meantime, elegantly made her way to the edge of my bed and sat, in probably, her most provocative pose. I muttered something inaudible in her direction and escaped to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water to help get my bearings. After a few minutes I was able to regain my composure and I went back out to talk to her. She was still waiting on my bed with a smile that was to die for.
“So for what do I owe the pleasure…at eight in the morning?” I asked. Her reply was typical Syndel. “Will, you flatter me. Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”
“Seriously, why do you feel the need to wake me up this early in the morning? And why couldn’t you have just called?” I answered.
“You mean other than to catch you half naked and dreamy eyed,” she remarked with an evil grin. “Well, you missed class yesterday and I wanted to make sure you made it today.”
“It's eight o’clock in the morning, I don’t have class for another three hours,” I replied irritably.
“Well, I thought we could do breakfast. I won’t take no for an answer. And I tell you what, it will even be on me,” she said sweetly. I had a feeling that if there was any way to pervert what she just said, that is how she intended it. I bit my lip and almost as if on cue, my stomach growled. Perhaps breakfast didn’t sound so bad.
“Ok you have a deal, but I need to take a shower first, I am sure you don’t mind waiting,” I asked. I already knew that her response would be something dirty and she didn’t disappoint.
“The chance to see you in a towel Will, I am sure most women would kill for that.” I just shook my head. No, she didn’t disappoint.
I had known Syndel for about two years. We met during our first week of college. We were “fortunate” to have a class together and ever since then we somehow seem to have all of our classes together. I don’t even think our majors are the same. She seemed to be quite taken with me when we first started hanging out. Granted I was kind of taken with her, but I was able to see her seductive ways from the very beginning. There are days I think the only reason she hangs out with me is for the chance to “conquer” me.
I took a quick shower and threw the razor across my face to remove the small growth that had accumulated. I left the bathroom with a towel around my waist and made my way to the dresser. I grabbed some clothes and stole a glance toward my bed. Syndel lay there smiling. Her eyes reminded me of a jungle cat ready to pounce. I let a little smile reach the corner of my mouth and made my way back in the bathroom to get dressed. When I returned she had a bit of a pouty look on her face.
“You know you could have gotten dressed in here. I promise I wouldn’t have peeked,” she said with sad puppy dog eyes. I just smirked and slipped my shoes on. She grabbed my phone, keys and wallet from the nightstand and threw them in her purse while I walked over to grab my bag.
“Syndel, I kind of need the keys to lock my door,” I said.
“It’s ok, I’ll get it,” she replied., “I have to have something to hold hostage so you don’t run.” I just laughed and took a last look around my apartment to see if I was forgetting anything. Satisfied I wasn’t, we both exited and she locked the door behind us. She turned and looped her arm around mine and pulled me towards the elevator, her smile beaming. The elevator ride was uneventful just as the lobby always was. We walked through the door and sitting out front was Syndel’s BMW Z3, crimson red in all its glory, with the hazards flashing.
“You know you could have gotten a ticket,” I scolded her.
“Yeah, I wasn’t worried though. Get in grumpy!”
“I’m not grumpy,” I said as she bounced to the driver’s side and hopped in. I have to admit, I was definitely a fan of her car. Taking a second to admire the craftsmanship, I opened the door and plopped down. She had leather seats. I love leather seats. Quickly punching the accelerator, she didn't wait for me to put my seatbelt on. The tires let out a soft squeal as the engine purred. Syndel always seemed to drive recklessly. I never knew how she did it, but it seemed like she didn’t pay attention to the road, weaving in and out of traffic. I did my best to relax, at times that wasn’t easy. I suppose it really isn’t any different from when I am on my bike. She was going on about some gossip at school, while texting someone and trying to play with the radio. A few times I thought me might nail someone, but they always seemed to turn at the right moment, or just decide not to cross the street. I really found it hard to believe that she had never gotten a ticket or been in an accident. It must be nice to be that lucky.
After about 15 minutes we pulled into the parking lot of one of the little mom and pop diners that frequented the side streets. This one was called Lou Ann’s. Lou Ann made a killer omelet and some mean hash browns, and was one of the more popular places around. It was no surprise to see a few of my other buddies in the corner pouring over some books studying. Probably what I should do sometime. I nodded to them but didn’t venture over. Most of them really didn’t like Syndel all that much. I suppose her sickeningly sweet yet devious demeanor was kind of hard to handle sometimes. Speaking of sickeningly sweet, we sat down at a booth and Syndel ordered what she always ordered, the sweetest stuff on the menu. I stuck with Lou Ann’s signature omelet and browns. I still marvel at how she can eat all that junk and still be just as petite as ever.
“I don’t know how you aren’t 250 pounds with the way you eat, not to mention have all of your teeth rot out,” I jeered at her. She sucked some syrup off the end of her finger and stuck her tongue out at me in an adorable manner that only she would be able to pull off. I just laughed and shook my head. I finished the delicious meal all too soon and realized it was about the time to head to class. What a drag. Syndel was just mopping the rest of her syrup up with a piece of toast. She paid our bill and we moseyed back out to her car. Fortunately for us, campus was only about five minutes away. Syndel made short work of the trip still treating the road like it was her own personal race track. We parked in one of the student lots and made our way across campus towards Carver Hall. It was a big building that housed 8 lecture halls that were big enough for 200 students.
Our first class of the day was Mythology and Today. It was basically what it sounded like, the history of myths and legends and their place in the world today. I always enjoyed the lectures, but sometimes the professor could carry on about a topic for just a little too long. Syndel spent most of her time berating the professor, telling me how he never knew what he was talking about and that most of what he was saying couldn’t possibly be true. The current topic for today was the origins of vampires and how they are linked to Vlad the Impaler.
“Vampires are lame. Hell, if I saw a vampire I would stake his ass!” Syndel exclaimed.
“Syn, if you saw a vampire you would get the shit kicked out of you,” I replied in a smart-ass tone. She apparently didn’t like my response. Her face went stern and it almost seemed like her eyes went black. I blinked and she was her normal self again, chipper and full of spice.
“Well whatever, there’s no such thing as vampires, so I’m not worried.”
I laughed and couldn’t keep a smile off of my face. She finally got irritated and asked me what I was smiling at.
“You, you just crack me up. You are such a trip. You are such a girly girl that I can’t imagine you being a bad ass. A seductive Catholic school girl, maybe, but not a badass,” I told her. She seemed to like the school girl part and a devious smile crossed her face as she replied.
“You know that can be arranged…” she let the idea hang for a few seconds.
“You are absolutely right. Halloween is in a few months, you could be th
e Catholic school girl and I will be the monsignor.” Her face visibly brightened as a more genuine smile crossed her face. Then just as suddenly as it was there it left, and in its place was a scowl. Apparently, she just caught my sarcasm.
“Hey, you ass, I thought you were serious, I was,” her phone vibrated, cutting her off midsentence. Naturally she answered it. She never did pay any heed to the rules. I started to doodle when something caught my ear.
“…certain myths that claim vampires would be burnt where they stood should the sun reach their skin. I think that if vampires are alive today they would have adapted somehow. There would have to be a reason why we haven’t found them out and what better way to hide than in plain sight. Now I know that would be radical thinking and go against many of the myths surrounding vampires today, but perhaps you could give it some thought. As a matter of fact, for tomorrow I want you all to write a short paragraph about your theory on vampires. Tell me whether or not you think they could exist today. That’s all I have for today. Be wary and walk in the light!”
“That was certainly an interesting lecture wouldn’t you….Syndel?” As I turned to look at her, her face had gone blank. She just stared after the professor as he left the lecture hall. I snapped my fingers and she came too.
“Huh? Oh right yeah, he’s just a nut job. Why did you want to take this class again?”
“I actually find this stuff interesting, thank you. And no one said you had to take it too.”
She was a little put off by that comment, but rebounded quickly.
“Aww come on, you know you are glad I did. Hell what would you do if I wasn’t here to keep you company?”
“Hmm…I don’ know, maybe I would actually be able to take some notes, perhaps study, hell I could even enjoy a lecture now and then.” She hit me in the arm and turned around to leave. She quickly scooped up her bag and went for the door. I just chuckled. Rounding up my things, I threw them all in my bag and surveyed the room. One of my other friends was still sitting down, writing feverishly. I made my way down and plopped down in the chair next to him. He startled slightly.
“Hey John, what’s going on?” I asked nonchalantly.
“Huh, oh hey bro, oh not much, just trying to jot a few things down. This just kind of blows my mind sometimes. All his theories on vampires and mythological creatures, seems really far-fetched sometimes.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, “but at the same time it’s all kind of cool. I mean just imagine if it was real. Come on, you’re telling me that you don’t think it would be bad ass if there were vampires, and slayers, and all that stuff?” He smiled and laughed.
“Be careful what you wish for, Will,”
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t think I have to worry about all that. So what’s going down with you? We haven’t been able to hang out in a while.”
“Dude, I have been putting a lot of time in at the church, it’s been kinda hectic there lately.” I smiled.
“Hectic in a church? Did you run out of sacrament or those little wafer thingys?” His face went stern.
“I am only busting your balls man, relax a little,” I reassured him. “You should take a break from all that. It seems like it has you on edge.”
“Sorry bro, not all of us are fortunate to have a life of leisure like you.” Now it was my turn to look stern. He immediately apologized.
“Come on, you know what I mean. I am not trying to say what you did over there wasn’t enough. It’s just that you know how it is, being in the military was simple. Hell, there are days I wish my life was just as easy as it was when I was a marine. But I am happy where I am; a better person. This is kind of who I am now, all sorts of new responsibility.” John finished up putting his books away.
“Yeah I feel ya. I just think that sometimes people start to take life too seriously and get caught up ya know? I am just looking out for you. Tell ya what, if you get some time give me a holler and we can go have a beer or something like that…you can still drink, right?” I said with a sheepish smile.
“Hell, I can probably still out drink your ass,” he shot back.
“Oh and he still cusses…John, you are my kind of saint!” I said emphatically. “I’m not a saint and you my friend are going to hell,” he replied.
“Yeah, I just hope they serve beer there…” I trailed off. He chuckled and stood up, stretching a little.
“Alright bro, I have to head out, the church calls.”
“I knew you were gonna say that, take care brother.”
“You too, Will.” John made his way to the door, and I surveyed the room in his absence. I was the only one there. It was eerily quiet. Now it was my turn to make my way out. As I reached the door, I happened to notice some movement near the other side of the room, by the other exit. John and the professor were talking quietly just outside the window. I am sure he was offering a few of his own theories about the lecture. I would have to ask him about that later. I left the lecture hall and walked out into a bright sunny day. I took a deep breath taking in the warm afternoon. There were days that that class never seemed like it was an hour and a half long. I started walking over to the parking lot on the off chance that Syndel had actually waited for me. When I got there, it was as I had expected. Oh well, she had a tendency to take things too personally. No skin off my back, but now I did have to find a way back to my apartment. Fortune was shining upon me this day as John had just left and was just now driving passed. I hastily flagged him down.
“Hey man, what’s up?” he asked me.
“Uh well to be honest, I'm kinda stranded,” I replied. He gave me that “knowing” look and told me to hop in. I thanked him and did just that, and then we were on our way. I took the opportunity to apologize for the inconvenience.
“Sorry to make you go out of your way.” He politely responded.
“It’s all good brother. In all fairness, I suppose this is the divine one saying we really should hang out a little bit more.”
I gave him a “right,” and nodded my head. He took the momentary pause to address a different topic.
“So…Syndel?” he asked.
“Yeah, she took off without me,” I answered.
“Easy bud, watch out for that one.”
“Syndel,” I said quizzically, “I have known her for years, well two at least. Hell, I have known her for as long as I have known you.”
“Perhaps, but do you know her as well as you know me?” he asked.
There was a brief pause.
“Ok I’ll bite,” I encouraged.
John went on, “I’m just saying. There’s been some talk about Jason and that one chick he was with. If you saw those two…you knew they were in love. Then one day, he up and drops her for 'no apparent reason.' Now, he is completely hung up on Syndel. Something isn’t right with that brother.”
“Look, I am sure she is harmless,” I defended. “After all it's college. Guys and girls bounce around all the time.”
“Right,” John continued, “I’m just saying be careful…So changing gears on you, how’s Eve?”
“Aha!” I exclaimed. “I knew it.”
“What?” John tried to ask innocently.
“Trust me, I don’t have a thing for Syndel.”
“I never said you did…,” John countered. I took a brief moment to study John’s face.
“Eve is good. I guess anyway. I haven’t really seen her in a couple weeks. She did text me though.”
“Anything interesting?” John inquired.
“She said she was thinking about me,” I replied.
“Well that’s good right?” He asked.
“Yeah I guess. I don’t know. I suppose I should be grateful for it. But it doesn’t seem enough,” I replied.
“Well bro, if you aren’t happy then do what you gotta do, but Eve’s a pretty cool chick. She seems a bit guarded, but hell we all are. I am sure she has her own demons, but you love her, I know you do. I am sure she’ll come around,” he counseled.
did you become her biggest fan?” I asked rather sarcastically.
“Oh I’m not,; I’m just looking out for you. Besides, if things go south between you two I am going to swoop in and snag her up,” he wittily replied.
“Aren’t you married to God!” I shot back.
“Touché,” he responded just as we pulled up to my building.
“Thanks for the ride bro,” I told him as I was getting out of the passenger side.
“No problem brother mine, remember what I said. Oh, and go with God,” he managed to get off before I was out of the car. As I shut the door and peered through the window he wore a smug grin.
“Indeed my friend, vaya con Dios,” I fired back at him in my best Spanish accent. He just shook his head and pulled away. I had completely forgotten to ask him about what he and the professor were talking about. So now I was left standing in front of my building wondering what the rest of the evening would hold in store.
Chapter 5
The days always seem to pass by rather quickly when I am in the relative safe comfort of the fortress of solitude that is my apartment. It seemed like only a little bit ago that I had arrived back from class and yet the sun was almost already hiding behind the city’s skyline. I couldn’t remember doing much of anything and quite possibly could have stayed in that haze all night if it hadn’t been for the newscast on TV. So apparently I was watching TV earlier. A woman in a red business suit with an incredibly revealing neckline, and I’m sure an equally revealing skirt, was sitting behind a desk, recounting some major event that had recently transpired.
“Thirteen were discovered brutally murdered in what can only be described as a mob war massacre yesterday in a warehouse just outside the old James Street business district. The warehouse had long been a rumored haven for many of the different types of criminal underworld. We go now to our correspondent, Brian Richards, who is live at the warehouse. Brian, tell us what it’s like.”
“Well Wendy, the first word that comes to mind is 'eerie’. As you can see, police tape still cordons off all of the building and most of the parking lot. It’s hard to believe that just last night thirteen people were savagely murdered in this warehouse. When I spoke to police earlier, they said that they had some leads, but no suspects. As one might think, the authority’s first thoughts turned to local gang and mob activity.”