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Dominus Silentia: Part 1 Awakening Page 5

  “Right, of course it is. Put your money away Will. You know it’s no good here.” I slowly took back the twenty and put it in my front pocket. I would have to remember to pay him later. I slammed the second shot before Kellan could ask any more questions. I wasn’t quick enough for the third.

  “So, talk to me buddy boy. You and tequila are serious business. Hey Sean, can we get a couple more?” he said casually like the previous altercation never happened. I recounted the day’s events that led me to the bar. He whistled.

  “Boy, did that guy pick the wrong time to fuck with you. And Eve was all up on some other guy, huh? Well my friend, that is why I am here. Oh, and about the women folk, they are from the cosmetology school. I figured it was something epic, so I took the liberty of rounding them up.”

  “Ya know brother, I have no idea how you do it, but man, I like it,” I complimented him. He puffed up a little, inflating his ego. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out. It was Eve. I hit the fuck you button and turned my phone off. I wasn’t in the mood. A few more patrons arrived.

  “So, how does Tim like you taking business from his bar,” I asked jestingly.

  “Please, with the amount of business I bring into that bar, I think he can handle this. Changing the topic back to women, I wasn’t sure just how bad tonight was for you so I took the liberty of getting you something special…and it should be here in about an hour or so, “ he said. I stared at him. This could be anything. He knew I was going to ask.

  “Don’t bother, I am not going to tell you. You will just have to wait and see,” was the only thing he offered. The next shot came sliding up. I grabbed it and poured it down my throat, still staring at Kellan.

  “My man!” he exclaimed. “Ok ladies, man talk is over. Now, get over here and get your drink on.” Sean walked up with a concerned look.

  “You ok Will?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I think tonight is going to be a night to remember…or forget,” I replied with a wink.

  It had been about a half an hour and I was already seven shots of tequila down. I hadn’t really paid any attention to the cosmetologists that Kellan had brought, mainly making small talk with Sean or listening to Kellan’s tales. I finally happened to glance at the blonde that was on the very last bar stool around the curve. She had piercing blue eyes with dirty blonde hair. She was actually rather breathtaking. I watched her. Her subtle movements, the way she played with her hair. I began to imagine things. I began to imagine what she looked like naked. I pictured her hard body, fit with perky breasts. My peripheral vision began to darken until she was all I could see. I imagined her caressing her body, toying with her nipples. She began to slowly squirm as she sat on the bar stool. Her left hand dropped below the bar as she secretly tried to rub her inner thigh. Carnal desire was beginning to consume me. I imagined more. She tilted her head back slightly and let out a soft moan. She slipped her other hand under her shirt towards her chest. My thoughts were just about to turn wild just as I heard a soft voice in my ear.

  “Easy William, don’t stare too hard.” I knew that voice. The darkness faded away quickly as I snapped out of it. The dirty blonde seemed to snap out just as I did. I turned to face the one who spoke the words. My eyes went slightly wider.

  “Syndel…” I stood up and gave her an awkward hug.

  “Hi, I just…I didn’t expect you out here, in High Grove,” I said clumsily.

  “Well, that’s because you have never invited me before. Leave it to Kellan to show a girl a good time,” she responded. Just as if on cue, Kellan walked over and gave Syndel a hug.

  “Hi cutie, this guy treating you right?” Kellan jokingly asked.

  “Oh, Will always treats me right,” her eyes went slightly devious, "for the most part, that is.” Her smile matched her eyes. I know my eyes betrayed my thoughts. I was rather surprised that the two of them knew each other, though I shouldn’t have been. With both of their reputations, I suppose it was only a matter of time before they met. Hell, they were practically perfect for each other.

  “Well good, now it’s time to return the favor. Take care of him tonight. He had kind of a rough night…and he is about ten shots of tequila into it.” He slapped her ass and turned back around to tend to his harem. She never took her eyes off of me. The amount of confidence Kellan had gained amazed me further still. Most guys were intimidated by Syndel, and Kellan just treated her like any other girl, and she allowed it.

  “Oh I intend to,” she said as she sat on the bar stool next to me. “So, what does a girl have to do…” she started to say before she was cut off by Kellan.

  “Oh yeah, hey Sean, she is on my tab all night,” Kellan shouted over his shoulder.

  “Well, well, William Drake hammered and free drinks all night, pinch me I must be dreaming,” Syndel said presumptuously. I smiled mischievously and obliged. She jumped back almost falling off her bar stool.

  “Ow, you ass,” she exclaimed. My smile increased, and I winked. I knew that aggravated the hell out of her. She acted hurt for a second before she let herself smile.

  “Ok, so maybe I asked for that,” she finally admitted.

  “My apologies m’lady, I could not resist,” I boasted. We had a little laugh over it as two drinks arrived.

  “Kellan said you were taking too long in ordering so he ordered for you,” Sean said. They were a couple Long Islands. Kellan was really looking to get me hammered and I was willing to let him.

  Syndel and I chatted for a while before a few more patrons decided to grace us with their presence. They seemed odd, kind of out of place. Not like the city folk who would occasionally walk in, but different as people. Kellan jumped off of his bar stool and charged towards them.

  “You are not welcome here!” he said forcefully. There was intent for harm written all over his face. I had never seen him so territorial before. Everyone was welcome at McCormick’s. Sean’s eyes went wide. It was easy to read that he wasn’t able to stop Kellan from doing something to his bar or his patrons. I reacted without really thinking.

  “Kellan! Stop,” I commanded. He stopped in his tracks, still staring down the two men who had walked in. They seemed to take a submissive pose as soon as Kellan charged.

  “Let it go,” I persuaded. He deflated slightly…

  “Alright, they can stay...over in the corner” he conceded, and returned back to his barstool. The two patrons sat at the table Kellan had indicated, brooding over what had just taken place.

  “What was that all about?” Syndel asked.

  “I don’t know. I have never seen him act like that before…he seems different to me, more aggressive, but to everyone else,” I told her.

  “It’s kind of hot,” she attempted to tease me.

  “It’s something,” I didn’t bite.

  “Well, there is way too much testosterone in here. I think we should get out of here,” she said. The burning desire I felt earlier slowly began to creep up again. My first instinct was that it wasn’t a good idea, but as the desire increased, I couldn’t think very clearly.

  “I think that is a very good idea,” I agreed. She smiled larger than I had seen her do in a while, pure joy lighting up her face.

  “Hey Kellan, we are gonna get out of here,” I told him as I got up off the bar stool. He looked from me to Syndel, his smile growing ever larger. I knew his thought process. He felt that he had finally succeeded. I suppose he did. I would be lying if I said I didn’t remember why I had come to the bar, but for some reason it was drowned down. I would blame it on the alcohol, but for some reason I wasn’t as drunk as I should have been. Something else was compelling me to leave. This burning desire within me. Sean expressed a concerned look, I reassured him. He didn’t seem too convinced as me and Syndel left the bar. My focus seemed to clarify, I knew I was drunk…but for some reason the effects were pushed back. I hopped on my bike and fired her up. Syndel got on behind me, relishing the idea of getting to put her arms around me. I smiled, and took off
for home.

  Chapter 8

  I was dreaming again. It was the same dream I had the other night, except this time it started when the boyfriend came home. Again the scenes of passion and violence flashed before me. Then I was left standing in the hall, alone, left to stare at the horror that lay before me. This time, the creature maintained its human form slumped over with the knife wounds in its back. The lovers lay together in their final embrace, she with her face frozen in a loving visage, and his with sorrow and dread. I tried to get closer but every step left me where I started. I turned towards the door, but all that was there was a solid wall. There was no escape from this nightmare, so there I waited, fully taking in the gruesome sight. The more I stared, trying to understand the dream, the bodies would shimmer. The creature's onyx skin would become slightly visible then disappear. The woman's features became gaunt and her skin paled. Her boyfriend seemed lither, his muscles taut, larger than I remember them. All three had become more... formidable, more...deadly. Then without warning, all three disappeared, leaving me in the barren hallway. I blinked. In the matter of the second it took me to close my eyes and open them, three translucent creatures were standing in place of the three bodies. They were all ghostly in appearance, but different. The creature was now standing upright, near six and a half feet tall. Its skin was taut over a well-muscled body. The eyes were dark hollows that seemed like they could consume your soul. Folded behind him were leathery wings. The woman was standing now, too. Her figure was leaner, graceful, but hard. Even she was taller than I remembered. Her beauty appeared ancient as if it should be captured in marble. The man had changed completely. Where he had lain now stood a wolf, just as ghostly as the other two, but his fur was solid white. All three of them stood motionless, staring at me. Then in unison they each turned their heads to look at an empty spot just off to the side and in between the three of them. Slowly another form appeared, an angel clad in silver plate mail. She looked at each of them in turn. As her eyes met the demon creature, it scowled and vanished. The woman stole a longing glance at the wolf then nodded to the winged angel and slowly disappeared. The wolf let loose a mournful howl and trotted passed me into oblivion. The angel was left, staring through me, into my soul. No words formed on her lips yet I could hear her speak. Her words were unknown to me, they sounded Latin. My head started to pound, four rhythmic beats. Followed by another four beats. Halfway through the third set, I woke up.

  The sun had found its way through my window again, blinding me. I searched my room groggily trying to place anything out of the ordinary. Everything was where it should have been, which was strange. I tried to recount the night, but the memories were hazy. My stomach dropped as I remembered leaving with Syndel. There was no evidence she stayed. I thought harder. I remembered driving back towards the city, weaving in and out of traffic. Syndel had her hands wrapped around my waist. My waist...more memories came back. She had tried to undo my belt while we were riding. I remember getting annoyed. The next memory brought a sigh of relief, I dropped her off at her apartment, leaving her with her arms crossed and an incredulous look that said she couldn't believe I had turned her down, again. I smiled to myself and laid my head back down on my pillow content to let myself fall back asleep. Then another rhythmic beating came, this time from the door. I bolted upright, slightly startled. I checked the clock. It said nine o'clock in the morning. Someone was about to get an ass chewing! There was no need to get dressed in that I had passed out with my clothes on.

  "Just a sec," I shouted. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I got up and walked over to the door. Undoing the dead bolt I opened it.

  The first thing I saw was a badge indicating that whoever was holding it was a police detective. He was a middle-aged man, I would say mid-forties, who looked like he had spent his fair share of time behind a desk. In his younger years, he might have been a lady killer.

  "Are you William Drake?" he asked.

  "Yes," I responded with a confused look on my face.

  "Detective Mallowitz, do you mind if I come in?" he said.

  "Sure," I hastily replied a little anxious and just as confused. He walked in slowly, appraising the place as if he had been here before, apparently he had.

  "Place sure looks different since the last time I was here," he said as he made his way towards a barstool next to the kitchen counter. He must have seen the confused look on my face as I shut the door because he went on to answer the question that was bouncing around in my head.

  "I worked the double homicide suicide case here a few years back. What a bloody mess that was."

  "Yeah it was," I mumbled as I made my way in to the kitchen. He stared at me questioningly.

  "I mean the story the landlord told me was pretty gruesome," I countered quickly.

  "Right, well it wasn't pretty..." He seemed like he was going to say something else but decided against it.


  "Will," I interjected reflexively.

  "Ok then, Will, do you know why I'm here?" he asked.

  "I wish I did, you have me at a bit of a loss," I replied. I turned around and opened the refrigerator door.

  "Can I get you anything?" I asked.

  "Actually, some water would be great," he answered. I reached down and grabbed two bottles off of the bottom shelf and placed them on the counter, sliding one over to the detective, then closed the refrigerator door. He opened his bottle and took a quick drink, savoring the refreshment, then placed the cap back on and set the bottle down.

  "You have to enjoy the little things...Will, what were you doing last night at about midnight?" he questioned. I felt my pulse increase slightly.

  "Well, I went up to McCormick's pub in High Grove, had a few and came home. Not really sure what time I got in," I answered nervously.

  "Excellent...," he replied as he reached inside his jacket. He produced two photos and spread them out in front of me.

  "Do you recognize these two gentlemen?" he asked, intently watching my face. The two photos contained the faces of two men. They were both pale with evidence of bruising. Their deathly pallor made them difficult to recognize. They didn't immediately seem known to me, but a thought kept tugging at the edge of my mind. I concentrated a little harder and an image slipped into focus. I couldn't mask my surprise.

  "They were at McCormick's last night," I said exasperated. I stared at the pictures in disbelief as the detective slid them back across the table and then placed them back into his jacket pocket.

  "What can you tell me about what they were doing there?" he asked. I immediately thought back and started recounting my brief encounter. Amazingly, I could picture everything like it was happening all over again.

  "To be perfectly honest, I left shortly after they got there. I can tell you that they seemed...wrong, very out of place," I said. He pulled out a small notepad and went over a few notes.

  "One of the patrons said they saw an altercation with a young man and the two gentlemen," he read from his notes. Typical High Grove, no one dimed Kellan out.

  "I don't really recall anything happening, I saw them walk in and sit at a corner table. They seemed to keep to themselves, kind of observing everyone. Like I said, they just seemed odd," I partially lied. Just as he was about to ask another question his phone went off.

  "Excuse me a sec," he said as he pulled out his phone. His face soured as he read what I can only imagine was a text.

  "You've got to be fuckin kidding me," he said disgustedly, putting his phone away.

  "Well Mr. Drake, I appreciate your time and the water. I hope you have a pleasant day," he said seeming irritated. He got up from the barstool and took a step towards the door, but paused momentarily. He reached into his back pocket and produced a business card, placing it on the counter.

  "If you can think of anything else please feel free to call," he commented as he walked to the door rather hastily and exited.

  Alone again, I finished off my bottle of water. I was puzzled. I thought about K
ellan and how he reacted to the two guys, and about how Syndel had shown up at Kellan's request. I didn't think it was connected with the deaths but I couldn't help but wonder. My life seemed to careen out of control in one night. I needed to get a little clarity and John was always the best man for the job. I would have to get a hold of Kellan later and try to get some answers. Then there was Eve. I really had no idea what to do with her. I know we weren't technically together, but she still had the ability to raise me up or destroy me with a few words, and she knew this. I suppose I should have said the hell with it a long time ago, but love always seemed to have a way of reeling me back in. Almost as if on cue, the status light on my phone blinked grabbing my attention. I had forgotten that I put it on silent last night. I let out a long sigh and made my way over to the nightstand. I picked up my phone, pausing before I opened it. It was time to get the damage report from last night and start getting answers to questions that I didn't even have yet.

  My notifications indicated that I had a missed phone call and five texts. The phone call was from Eve, the one I didn't answer. She didn't leave a voicemail. I was strangely irritated at that. The first text was from her, it just said "Sorry..." That irritated me even more. I am sure she just assumed I would get a hold of her and of course her one-word text was just enough to get me to do that, but it would be later. The next two were from Kellan. The first asking if I made it home safe and if I had a good time. The other saying that he was going to the arena tonight. The Colosseum was right up his alley, but he still hardly ever went. Now, I had more reason to get a hold of him. He was starting to confuse the hell out of me. The fourth one was from Syndel telling me she had a good time and that we should do it again soon. This didn't coincide with the brief flashbacks I had earlier this morning. More and more oddities seemed to unveil themselves and still didn't prepare me for the last text. The last one was from John. All it said was, "We need to talk." All of these events seemed too convenient to be a mere coincidence. I checked the time stamp on his text. It was at ten. He should be at class. I threw on a change of clothes, grabbed my things and went out the door. I was a man on a mission.